Congratulations! You made it this far…which means you’re at least cautiously aware of the new possibility awaiting you; and deep down, you can feel something calling you. Perhaps you can even feel your insides stirring, your heart and intuition declaring a resounding ‘YES!’? You may even feel supercharged and ready to transform some part of your life.
Either way, well done. You’re on the cusp of a positive breakthrough and transformation!
Now ask yourself, are you ready to begin to manifest what you truly want? Are you ready to call it forth, even if you’re currently not entirely sure exactly what it is? Are you ready to have the consciousness shift you really need in order to be able to manifest what you truly want? And are you ready to transform your internal self in order to be able to RECEIVE that new possibility?
If this is resonating with you on some level then great, you’re likely in the perfect place.
This exciting and transformative seven-week program covers the steps listed below to help you shift internally and create a clear intentionality and new foundation, so that you can begin to live into your future possibility fulfilled.
The program is broken down into SEVEN manageable and tangible steps, so you don’t have to overthink things or worry because the pathway is laid out and all will become clearer along the way.
And because I know your life is busy, the calls are conducted in an online ‘conference room’ (via Zoom – a free and easily downloadable conference software). So you can potentially take the call from anywhere in the world in the comfort of your own home. You simply have to switch on your computer…and give your full and undivided, engaged attention, for 90 minutes of your life each week. Just 90 minutes…easy!
Below you’ll find the structured steps we’ll be covering and direction we’ll be taking to support you in accessing the new possibilities that you want to create for yourself.
The AUDIO coaching sessions are approximately 90 minutes in lengh and delivered to you via email each week, along with any relevant handouts.
The format for each call will be a weekly online coaching seminar.
Following each weekly coaching seminar you’ll be emailed your weekly practice or ‘reflection questions’. In order to maximize your experience, you’ll want to keep a journal or workbook for your journey. Have this ready from day one.
So you get to choose: are you worth it? Is your life worth it? Are you ready to take a stand for what you want and take the next step? Are you ready to commit to creating a powerful new breakthrough in some area of your life?
Bonus: A FREE pdf of Louise’s first novel ‘The Bright New Dawn’ – a transformational journey with empowering and inspiring messages.
Emailed to you when you sign up for the course.
This small investment and the committed stake you’ll be putting in the ground will immediately launch you toward your new possibility and positive transformation in whatever area of life you want to take on. The moment you sign up the Universe knows you’re serious and committed, and you can begin to watch for unpredictable results that will help steer you toward your future fulfilled. I’m extremely excited for you!
Know that I’ll be standing for and with you for the entirety of your remarkable journey.
With love, Louise