What the heck is up on planet earth? I know you’re wondering.
How many of you can feel it…this sense of supersonic out-of-control change…or perhaps more aptly phrased: transformation? I’m not talking about the bog-standard variety of linear change, no. I’m talking about how things in totality are changing rapidly in terms of people’s awareness of life. You might be feeling this, yes? Even perhaps in your own day-to-day personal exchanges, thoughts and feelings. And perhaps you can see and feel how little control you actually have in the larger scheme of things; or quite possibly that things you thought you could believe in, or did, just don’t make much sense any more…they may have even been upended or ripped away from you; you might be seeing or experiencing ‘curve-balls’ aplenty in your own or others’ lives. The unexpected is rampant. And everything feels faster, including the sense of time and life whizzing by.
The reality is, we are moving at high speed.
Did you know that Earth flies around the sun at over 70,000 kilometres per hour? And did you know that our solar system in its entirety is orbiting around the centre of our Milky Way galaxy at a mega-whopping speed of 820,000 kilometres per hour? Yep, that’s a cracking pace, I know. I say this not to impress you with science, but more to impress upon you that we are moving rapidly through space. Our solar system’s full orbit around the centre of the Milky Way galaxy takes over 200 million years, and whilst that might seem like a long time, the fact (and my point here) is, that we’re constantly traversing different parts of our galaxy. We’re continually in a new part of space; with new influences and a new juxtaposition to everything else.
Change is our one constant.
Which leads me to my little New Age ditty here about the current recalibration of humankind. Science (or more conservative left-brain types) may dispute the notion of recalibration, but the fact of the matter is, something big is up on planet earth.
I know it’s a fair leap from giving you science about the speed of the solar system to the subject of humanity’s ‘recalibration’, but hey, I’m aware how busy you are and how short your attention span can be, so I’m making this huge subject as snappy as possible. And it feels important to pan out into the vast cosmos and help you get the magnitude of space and how absolutely miniscule you are in comparison. You are a tiny particle of sand on a gigantic beach. I just need to give you that perspective to shunt your human ego out of the way momentarily so you can tune in a little better right now.
So, what is recalibration?
In my first novel, The Bright New Dawn, I referred to a recalibration occurring on earth – a change in the frequency we individually and collectively vibrate at. I referred to a radical global transformation that is part of a big shift in consciousness believed by many to be occurring on earth at this time.
There are different theories about this shift and the reasons as to why. Some suggest that we’re moving into a photon belt in an area of the galaxy, and other theories refer to our changing World Ages based on smaller zodiac-constellation shifts in a larger 26,000-plus year Earth cycle. Regardless of theory, this is not an insignificant time period for humanity. To some, this recalibration concept might seem a little whack and you may be wondering if I’ve been watching too much Star Trek of late. To this I say: ‘I find Chris Pine quite compelling as Captain Jim Kirk, so it’s possible.’
Humour aside, what exactly is recalibration? What is this apparent shift in World Ages, because something crazy sure is heck is going on with our species…and I’m not just talking about the debacle of this year’s USA elections, although, that’s a hefty kind of symptom and signpost.
In terms of World Ages, astrologically speaking, we’re been moving out of a (roughly) 2,000 year Age of Pisces, and into the Age of Aquarius. The transition process began some years ago. To you Piscean fish out there, please don’t take this personally, but in terms of its ‘shadow side’ the Age of Pisces has left a pretty dark blot on our human history. It’s ironic, since Pisces is strongly aligned with deep compassion, artistry and many other beautiful qualities at its highest octave. But poles have their opposite. Naivety, illusion, delusion and addiction are some other aspects of the lower octave of Pisces, and if we look around, there’s addiction to just about everything occurring on earth at present, individually and collectively – with some sizeable ‘enablers’ of this.
To those of you feeling disheartened at the state of the world, please hang in there…hope is at hand. I’ll share more of this a little further on here.
We’re living in a world in the thick of transformation. At some levels it might look bad right now…really bad…but all is not lost because, as mentioned in my novel ‘The Bright New Dawn’, recalibration and humanity’s consciousness shift is ultimately a wonderful thing. I believe we’re heading toward a humanity that will be better, brighter and more integral. But the onset of this new Aquarian Age, and recalibrating to that, is a little like having a house remodeled: when all the wallpaper and plaster is getting ripped down it just looks damn messy!
That’s life on Earth right now.
If you’re shocked about humanity, you shouldn’t be really. I mean, how many wars in the last century alone have occurred? How much death and destruction? Our dysfunctional state has been going on for quite some time. We’re not new to it, nor are we a recently flawed species. The difference now is, we’re really getting to see, and perhaps feel, what has been hidden beneath the surface for some time, along with the impact of that. We’re seeing what is blocking our goodness, our greatness and our happiness. We cannot sweep our human dirt under the planetary carpet any longer. The rug is being pulled. The rose-tinted glasses of the Piscean Age are being unceremoniously ripped from our faces. War, along with multiple and varied addictions, corruption, mass manipulation, and the excessive pursuit of money and materialism…all of these and many other issues are rife.
But do hang in there. Hope springs eternal. Although, it must be said, if you think all of these shadowy issues are not your problem to deal with because your life is peachy, here’s some news, and the crux of the recalibration occurring on earth at this time: they are your problem. They are our collective responsibility. So whether you’re an active positive change agent in the world, or meditating for inner peace, contribution at this time is key.
Humanity is slowly, and at times painfully, waking up to the reality of being ‘one consciousness.’ We are recognizing our unity, ironically through the appearance of great division. But here’s the rub: what happens on one side of a room, town, city, or the planet affects us all deeply. Along with such fascinating gems as the staggering speed we move through space, science can also prove the connectedness of all things. The proof is there: we are one.
But who needs science to tell us something the human heart already knows?
We are like individual water molecules all moving in the same shifting oceanic tide – simultaneously and ever connected. We can’t run from that. We can’t hide from that. We can’t pretend we’re divided from that, or superior to it – not forever. When those shadowy limbs of our collective unconscious pull negative levers, they affect us all. The distinction with recalibrating to a higher consciousness is that we are beginning to recognize the power of consciously and collectively pulling positive levers. We’re seeing and feeling the power of unity; the power of consciously choosing positive thoughts, words and actions; of being consciously intentional about the outcomes we seek.
A key to accessing our unity lies in being able to turn and face the truth, warts and all; it lies in facing the fact that our human home being remodeled is currently a mess. It’s hard to live in, let alone to see what the end result might be.
But our collective human house will look better. Ultimately, it will. The Aquarian Age decrees it so – integrity, transparency, humanity and greater balance of true masculine and feminine energies being some of its higher and more uncompromising principles. So a suggestion to help with any speed wobbles in the interim: duck and dive from as much of the divisive fear-mongering and negativity as possible, and focus on how great our human home will look when the job is done. Better still, contribute to the task at hand by knowing that how we spin and cling to ‘the story’ of our journey, both individually and collectively, defines what we experience and create as ‘real’.
I know it sucks: we’ve found the rotting floorboards of our psyche; the aging and dangerous electrical wiring of our minds, and the corrupted, rusting pipes of our inhumanity. And there’s a hell of bill and a price to pay for the long overdue upgrade. Our budget might not stretch enough. But we must try. It must be done. Besides, that old wallpaper looked terrible: the kids had drawn all over it in the throws of their tantrums and sibling rivalry; it was dated, stained, water-marked and just plain wrong. That’s the house many of us still see. In our fear and sentiment we cling to it in all its crumbling former glory. But remember, there’s a remodeling process at hand.
It’s our ability to retain a positive vision, to stay close to the light, to become more resourceful and sustainable, to hold our renovators and leaders to account and integrity, and to count our blessings along the way for each small part of the upgrade, which will see us through the discomfort of the remodeling process.
As a species it may seem we’re more divided than ever, and yet, maybe appearances are deceptive. Is it possible that whilst the human kitchen is somewhere in the toilet right now, that the new conservatory is almost complete? Is it possible that more light is shining through somewhere in our human house?
I like to think so. I like to think that as we hurtle through space at 820,000 kilometres per hour, our collective human species is on the cusp of one of its biggest breakthrough’s in thousand’s of years; that we’re heralding a new Age; a bright new dawn, and a new and more evolved consciousness. And some day (soon, I hope) we’ll walk through the front door of our renovated human home and understand that the discomfort of the remodeling job and the recalibration of our species, was not only necessary, it was worth it.
Louise’s extensive experiences and background have led her to become a visionary and inspiring Author, Storyteller and Life Coach.
Louise’s published works include: ‘The Bright New Dawn’ and ‘Her Eight Limbs of Love’ (Third place, Ashton Wylie Literary Awards 2016)
See www.louisebeker.com to find out more about Louise and her books.
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